Sunday, April 11, 2010

Balance Verify Process

Pictures of Process Flow

Failure Analyis

There are four factors that can cause error:

1. Human

2. Machine/ Tooling

3. Process

4. Incoming

Day 2 6/4/2010 until Day 5 9/4/2010

Since it is very hard for me to maintain daily blog, i have decided to keep it on weekly basis. Second day was exciting as i was given the chance to enter the cool room, testing and production area. I was required to wear junk suit before entering cooal room. This is to avoid contamination of particles on the disk. The entire assembly process must be done in a clean environment. But before that, wd is a giant producer of hard disk drives (HDD). HDD is used to store information and data. Their nearest competitor is Seagate and CK. I was intoduced with the machines and the process flow. I have attached the pictures and videos to introduce some of the process flows.

First Week

Day 1 5/4/10

It was rather a hectic day. I was officially assigned to staff engineer, Mr. Eugene Paul. A lot registration procedures went on, my id number, M406444, and email I am pround to be in wd (Western Digital) community, American based company. My work schedule is from 8.00 am to 5.20 pm monday to friday. I met some human resource members and had some briefing on the rules and regulations. They were very helpful and hospitable.